Sunday, September 6, 2009

Terrible Twos

In the past two weeks, Munchichi's language has exploded! She was previously pointing at things, instead of using words, but now speaks in complete sentences and can clearly express her needs, wants, dislikes, etc. Where did my baby go? All in all, I feel like I'm adjusting to a new child and it has its share of frustrations! Now that Munchichi feels confident speaking, she also feels confident screaming, kicking, yelling, and saying "No way" when she doesn't get exactly what she wants. Patience is a virtue, but that doesn't make it easier when your child is throwing a fit at church, in a store, on the street, you name the place, Munchichi has thrown a fit there! I guess I have Mommy amnesia and forgot how difficult the twos are. I wish that I could wave my magic wand and we would be past this stage...I'm not completely naive though, I recognize there will be drama at every stage of my girls' lives. On the other hand, Munchichi is also telling me when she has to use the bathroom and trying to go on time. I had to bribe Goose with M&Ms (2 for pee-pee and 4 for poo-poo), along with a sticker chart which resulted in toys. Wow, the lengths we go to as parents to train our kids! It may not be the right way for everyone, but it worked for Goose. Hopefully I won't have to go there with Munchichi! I complain now, but I don't know what I would do without the drama - it keeps life exciting!!