Saturday, August 15, 2009


After a week of moving chaos, we are finally settling into the new house. I will be contributing many treasures to the church rummage sale in a few weeks. As they say, "One person's junk is another person's treasure." By "they", I have no idea who even said that! Goose hasn't noticed the smaller amount of treasure in her closet. I was able to sneak stuffed animals and random toys that she never plays with into boxes. I actually felt paranoid at one point, as if I were stealing a cookie from the cookie jar. Enough with the quotes! Goose and Munchichi sleep great at night and play hard in the backyard during the day. We do have a HUGE spruce tree in our backyard which is a source of fun for the girls, but the leaves are already a bit out of control. I need a power raker for Fall fun...or am I thinking of a leaf blower? Our small above ground pool turned green in less than two days - perfect! I have no clue how to restore the pool to its beautiful blue hue. When is it unhealthy for the girls to swim in a green pool? That is a hypothetical question really, I didn't let the girls swim. I head back to school in two days, and I always ponder the same question at this time each year, "Where did the summer go?" I didn't accomplish everything on my to do list, but I spent quality time with the girls and we had fun adventures which is priceless!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, back to school. It's always a little hard to say goodbye to summer.

    Love you!
